Dumfries Fire Welcomes Six New Firefighters!
By Sergeant Jesse Ralston
June 19, 2014

Congratulations to our newest Firefighters!

Out of a combined graduating class of 17 recruits with representatives from multiple departments throughout the county, DTVFD personnel excelled above the rest and received awards for both the Honor Graduate, and the Leadership Award.

The Honor Graduate award goes to the student with the highest academic average.

The Leadership award is decided and selected by his/her peers of the graduating class.

The following personnel are now Firefighter I & II graduates for DTVFD:

Stephen Chill - Honor Graduate

Shane Clark

Jayson Hopkins

Heather McManaman

Conner O'Neil

Edwin “Ace” Ventura - Leadership Award

Congratulations to all for withstanding a battery of academic and practical examinations over the past six months. Great job everyone!